Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

0 Learn Your Natural Hair!!

When you start learning about hair care and YOUR natural hair forget everything you thought you knew about hair care.

For me (and many others) when I started taking care of my natural hair, everything I previously thought about my hair was wrong. My hair wasn't thick, wasn't prone to breakage (at least not in it's natural state), can't lay down with just water and a brush, my scalp didn't need to be greased...

Getting to know their natural hair is something many women don't do because, I see so many women stuck at shoulder length even as naturals and I have to wonder, Did they ever learn what works for their hair? Obviously, not. Many us go by what people say works for black hair. That's your first mistake right there...

Kimmaytube (check out her youtube channel) is a great example of learning your hair and doing what works for you. When you have learned what works for your hair, you will see consistent results with length and health.There are others on youtube you can check out too of course.

 Even after being natural for 2 years I had to step back and relearn my naturally curly hair. I don't have black hair, I have my hair and what it needs will differ from what someone elses natural hair may need. I have had to really look at why I was doing certain techniques and examine if they were really working for me.I had been taking care of my hair for years, how I was told black hair needed to be taken care of even after going natural. This is what caused me to have a full year of set backs!

I have also learned not to take what other naturals say as "WORD!". There is no hardfast way to take care of natural hair that fits ALL curls.Yes, people can give great advice but, all it is is advice. Take it or leave it but, if what you're doing isn't broke don't fix it!

So, learn your natural hair. Learn what it likes and doesn't like.This is your hair care journey and it isn't going to be the same for everyone!

About the Author

I'm Dilipkumar, the founder of Wordpresstoblogger.info. This blogger Template was made by me, if you like it Subscribe to Our Feed and Follow Me on Twitter Wptoblogger

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  • black hair, natural hair

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