Jumat, 25 November 2011

0 DIY Hair Care Products Black Friday/Weekend SALE!!!

Our Black Friday/Weekend SALE has started!! Neem & Green Tea Hair Milk is 25% off, Soaps are 4 for $12, Butter BOGO and a Free Shampoo Bar with any order of our Detangling Conditioner!!


Shop the link above in our Etsy store!!!! 


For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

Rabu, 16 November 2011

0 Accepting You Accepting Me, More Than Hair

With all of the recent drama in the natural hair community and some folks even saying telling the natural hair community to kiss them where they sun don't shine... I wanted to post about acceptance. Not just hair acceptance but, accepting people for who they are, completely. 

This is going to be from woman to woman. You *points to your eyes* and Me *points back at my eyes* 

There are a lot of challenges being a woman, being black, being natural and heck just being human and those challenges are a part of life. Nothing hurts more in life than not being accepted by others. I have never looked for acceptance from strangers but, from those close to me, I have always been sensitive. 

Let me get a little personal: I have a friend who when I first met her, I looked up to her. I thought she was everything I wanted to be as a mother and wife. I thought she was just awesome. Problem? She didn't like me for me and  I found myself trying to change me to be like her. She would critique everything I did. How I spoke, how I dressed, everything. Being around her was hell to say the least and stressful.

I spent years trying to be her her and would hate everything about me because it wasn't like her. Sounds so sad now when I write it out. I was miserable. I wasn't myself. I was not ME. 

After reading a book about Acceptance from the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program, I decided to be ME. If anyone was going to be my friend you had to accept me for who I am. My personality was not changing for anyone and I let folks know their commentary and approval was not needed.  

We have to stop looking for acceptance from others. People will always have an opinion about what you're doing , look like, etc. Don't let them make you feel bad about yourself. Whether you relax your hair, wear weaves, wear wigs, rock an afro, whatever. That's your choice. No one has to co-sign your journey through life. (Let me trademark this, lol.) 

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

Senin, 14 November 2011

Be Featured with Blogger Lacoya of Natural Black Girl. She shares about her blog and gives us some insight on why she has decided to share her natural hair journey with the world. After this article please head on over to her blog and subscribe! She is such an awesome writer!  

I started my blog, I'm A Natural Black Girl at the beginning of this year (first blog post was on December 31, 2010). I had been natural for about 6 months and I was ELATED. I was doing this and doing that with natural hair, natural hair, natural hair. I started the blog and wanted it to be like BGLH, and Curly Nikki's, and hers, and his. I wanted it to be the #1 natural hair resource in the WORLD.
And one day, I got exhausted. I had only been 100% natural for 6 months. Everytime I would go to post something, I had to research SO much because my knowledge on the subject was so slim. How could I provide an outlet for women when I felt like I needed an outlet myself? I didn't even know what I wanted the blog to become. That's when I decided to take a break. I just needed to take some time off of natural hair. LOL How silly does that sound? Did I take that break? Nope. LOL! But I did take a break from blogging.

DIYHCB: Makes sense to me, I know the feeling. :)
I felt like I needed to research the subject of blogging in order to successfully do it. I felt like I needed to first, find out what I wanted my blog to do. What exactly did I want the purpose of it to be? I began to scourge hundreds (and I do mean literally HUNDREDS) of blogs. Some blogs were geared toward natural hair, some make-up, some fashion, some food, etc. I delved into the lives of those bloggers and felt like I created a personal....bond.....AHA! That's one of the things I knew I wanted to come out of my blog. I wanted my readers to form a personal relationship with me. I want them and I to be...friends! :-)
I also knew that I wanted my blog to be focused on natural hair. MY natural hair. I want my blog to not only be an outlet for me, but an outlet for me. I never lost my love and passion for my natural hair. It's been a struggle for me all of my life and I finally have figured it out. I want to share my discoveries with the world. I hope that hopefully someone will feel as excited and fulfilled when they are reading the posts as I do when I am writing them.
So what is my blog all about? It's about me and my dang natural hair? It's about my life with my natural hair. What goes on? What's happening with me? What's happening that I pay attention to and like? How does my hair relate to those happenings? What do I pay attention to in the natural scene and why do I think it's important?
My blog is a combination of my personal self and my musings, and my rockin-booty natural hair! :) And I love it. I hope you will, too!
Check me out and let me know what you think!
http://imanaturalblackgirl.blogspot.com (Natural Hair/Life Blog)

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

0 What You Need To Know About Adding Henna To Your Natural Hair Care Regimen

Henna from Henna Sooq

Here is some information about the much debated natural Ayurvedic treatment called Henna. Henna is said to be a great way to naturally strengthen and add shine to your natural hair.

Taken from the Long hair Care Community: 

Pros, Cons & Other Effects of Henna:
Henna has some undeniable benefits for hair, which is why so many people use it and love it.

Some of these pros include:
  • Stronger Hair - The lawsone (dye) molecule penetrates the hair shaft, binding with the keratin in the hair. This makes hair stronger, but also is one of the qualities that makes henna removal near impossible. Henna also coats the hair and fills in rough spots on a frayed cuticle. This adds a second layer of strength, but it DOES NOT lock out moisture.
  • Smoother, Shinier Hair - Henna, as stated above, does coat the hair, but it is a permeable coating that does not lock moisture out. The henna helps fill in rough spots on the cuticle. With the cuticle rough edges smoothed over, the hair feels smoother and the cuticle takes a lot less damage during combing and manipulation. It takes several days for Henna to stabilize. It becomes more flexible and durable as it oxidizes and cures--it is in fact a plant resin that is flexible and solvent enough to penetrate the hair at the cuticle, carrying pigment with it.
  • Non-Fading Red - Anyone that has used red chemicals dyes knows how badly they fade. Henna may fade a little after the first application, but after the second application fades very little.
  • The Absence of Chemicals - Chemical dyes are not only VERY damaging to hair, they can also cause scalp burns, allergic reactions, and recently studies have linked long term use to cancer.
While there are benefits, there are also some drawbacks as well:
  • Application Process - Henna can be hard to apply evenly on your own, can be a huge mess, and is tiring on the arms and neck. It also has to be left on for a longer time than commercial chemical dyes (4-12 hours), so more time has to be slated for the process.
  • Experimentation - To find your ideal mix, dye release time, application time, rinsing method, etc. all require some experimentation. It is not out-of-a-box color, and it may take some tweaking to find your ideal results. Your perfect color is never a guarantee.
  • Dry Hair - Some people report dry hair after using henna. It mimics a protein treatment and you MUST follow up with a moisturizing deep conditioner.
These may be pros for some, cons for others:
  • Loss/Reduction in Curl - Many users of henna report a loss of curl. This is by no means a universal effect, and should be neither discounted, nor counted on. It seems that wavies (s curls) are the most susceptible to this, though some curlies are as well.
  • Cannot Lighten Hair - Henna cannot lighten your hair, ever. On some colors of hair it may appear to brighten it, but you should count on any color you get with henna being darker than what is already on your head.
  • Darkening with Multiple Applications - Henna will darken with multiple applications. If one wants to keep a lighter color, only the roots should be touched up, and repeated whole-head applications will progressively make the color less orange and more burgundy.
  • Cost - Depending on your mix, how much hair you have and how often you henna, it may either be more or less expensive than chemical dyes. Though that doesn’t factor in one very important thing… the price your hair pays on chemical dyes. Many people find that they only need to do a full-length application one or two times, and the because henna doesn't fade much, they can save a lot of cost by only redoing the roots.
  • The Smell - Some people love it, some people hate it, but the smell of henna lingers in your hair for awhile after the application, often reviving when your hair is wet. Some herbs, such as ginger, can be added to shift the smell of the mix, but nothing will eliminate it entirely. Most people feel it has a smell somewhat like grass or hay.
  • Variable Color - Henna can and does shift in color depending on the light the hennaed hair is placed in. The same head of hair can go from burgundy to firey copper, just depending on the light.
Where do other henna colors come from?
Go to any local health food store and you’ll see boxes and boxes of “natural” hair coloring products claiming to be 100% henna. Well, we know that henna only comes in red, so what gives with all the shades of brown and blonde and black? Many natural hair colors are a blend of henna, cassia, indigo, and other color enhancing herbs. Beware, though. Many “henna dyes” contain things other than herbs, that can SERIOUSLY damage your hair.

What is Neutral Henna (Cassia Obovata)?
Cassia Obovata is often referred to as “neutral henna.” It is not henna and it does not alter the color of hair greatly, though it may give more golden tones with repeated applications. It has similar conditioning benefits as henna, but they are not permanent, and they disappear without reapplication.


I'm thinking about starting Henna treatments for color and to help strengthen my hair. as my hair gets longer and older, I know my ends need a boost. My hair strands are naturally thin and fragile due to me being deficient in iron. 

Have you ever used Henna? Did you like the results? Are you interested in Henna? 

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products 

Senin, 07 November 2011

0 How To Deep Condition Properly

Deep conditioning natural hair has got to be on just about every natural's "Must Do" list. Deep conditioning hair can have many benefits, as it allows more water soluble nutrients to be absorbed into the hair strand due to the longer period of time you leave the product on your hair. But, did you know there is a right and a wrong way to deep condition hair? Here is a checklist on how to deep condition natural hair correctly.

1. Follow the product directions. If the instructions say to leave on for 15-20 minutes, then an all night deep condition is not needed and the maximum benefit of the product to be reached.

2.Shampoo first.  Shampoo is made to rid your hair of dirt and oils, in other words it takes away. While conditioners "add on" nutrients to your hair. Although shampoos do not cleanse the inside of your hair shaft, they do or should rinse most things off the outside of your hair shaft. So, if you shampoo after your deep condition, you are rinsing off all of the oils, butters and other ingredients right down the drain.

3. Follow directions for heat usage. Some deep conditioners work better with heat and some don't so be sure to read the directions on the package.

4. Damp or dry hair is best. Hair is like a sponge and can only absorb so much. If you deep condition on soaking wet hair, odds are you won't get much of the deep conditioner inside the hair strand.

How do you deep condition? What are your DC tips?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

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