Rabu, 28 September 2011

0 What To Look For In A Product Review To Determine If A Product Will Work For You

With so many new natural hair companies popping up and just as many enthusiastic reviewers, product reviews are a dime a dozen these days. It can be easy to end up spending hundreds of dollars on products that don't  work for your natural hair. Here are some things to look for you when watching or reading a review to see if a natural hair product will work for your hair. 

How did they incorporate the product into their regimen?
This has to the number one thing I look for in product reviews. Take shampoo for example; some people pre-poo and deep condition BEFORE they shampoo their hair, which makes shampoos less stripping. So, their review of a shampoo may be that the shampoo was moisturizing and didn't strip their hair. Well, you go get the shampoo and let's say you don't pre-poo or deep condition before shampooing. You try the shampoo out and it strips your hair and you hate it! 

You have to look and make sure the reviewer is using the product the same way you would and during the steps you would in your regimen. 

What Is Their Hair Porosity?
Basically there are 3 types of hair porosity; which simply is the way everyones hair absorbs and holds moisture due to their cuticle structure. DenimPixie did a great video on porosity which you can view HERE on YouTube. 

Keeping porosity in mind when watching a review will help you determine if a product will be too heavy for your hair, easily absorbed or not enough moisture. If someone mentions that certain ingredients tend to sit on their hair and build up easily over time, this will give you an idea of their hair's porosity in comparison to yours. For some, shea butter works great and doesn't cause very much build up, for others it can be waxy feeling and  just sit on top on their hair making it dull. 

What Is The Intended Purpose Of The Product?
I was watching a review where someone was reviewing a deep conditioner. The reviewer wanted the deep conditioner to detangle her hair. Well, the deep conditioner made no such promises of detangling but, even still the reviewer gave the conditioner a thumbs down. This type of review may sway you against trying the product, thinking it's not a great detangler, etc. when in fact that's not even what the product promises. 

What Is Their Hair Type?
For me, a reviewers hair type comes into play only when it comes to stylers such as gels and hair puddings. Paying attention to hair types will help you determine how a gel will make your curls pop or not pop if the person has the same curl pattern as you do. This also helps when looking at how a product defines curls, stretches curls, etc.

What do you look for in a review? Do you watch product reviews often?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

Jumat, 23 September 2011

0 Ceramides: What Are They and How Can They Benefit Your Natural Hair?

I have been hearing ALOT of talk lately about ceramides. At first I thought, they were just abother "craze" or something and didn't pay the "talk" any attention but, after further research, ceramides are actually quite beneficial to our hair. I was also shocked when I found out that I had been using ceramides for years now!

Here are some excerpts from an article written on Associated Content By Audrey Sivasothy:

What are Ceramides?

"Ceramides are naturally occurring lipids (or fatty materials) found in the hair fiber or naturally in the skin. According to Butler and Poucher, ceramides molecules that "bind the cuticle cells to the cortex and Ceramides naturally exist within the hair fiber, sandwiched in a region between the cuticle and cortex called the cell membrane complex (CMC). Here along with the proteins in the CMC, they regulate the flow of materials in and out of the cortex. Because they essentially bind the cuticle cells to the cortical cells, ceramides help keep our hair from falling apart! Ceramides are also believed to play a role in the hair's transition from "live cells" within the follicle and beneath the skin's surface, to the dead, keratinized hair shafts that we see."

"Ceramides are needed as a part of any basic moisture and protein conditioning plan to restore the hair's health."

"Heat users will find that ceramide-rich products greatly improve the condition and appearance of heat-abused hair. Those who dabble in hair color will also find that their colors deposit more evenly when the hair has been conditioned with ceramide-rich products prior to the service. Ceramides have also been shown to protect the hair against ultraviolet radiation from outside sun exposure. While ceramides do offer a protective effect in these situations, exposure to heat, hair coloring, and the sun do reduce the hair's ceramide stores. Therefore regular conditioning is needed to replace reduced ceramide levels in the hair."

"Ceramides can help your hair hold on to its protein and moisture for longer periods of time so that the need for regular conditioning sessions is somewhat reduced, but they cannot replace moisture or protein in a regimen."

Here is a link to the references she links to at the bottom of the article: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2745257/ceramides_remedy_for_dry_damaged_hair_pg4.html?cat=69

Here are some oils that contain ceramides and at what percentage:

Safflower oil 78%
Grape seed oil 73%
Poppyseed oil 70%
Sunflower oil 68%
Hemp oil 60%
Corn oil 59%
Wheat germ oil 55%
Cottonseed oil 54%
Soybean oil 51%
Walnut oil 51%
Sesame oil 45%
Rice bran oil 39%
Pistachio oil 32.7%
Peanut oil 32% [17]
Canola oil 21%
Egg yolk 16%
Linseed oil 15%
Lard 10%
Olive oil 10%
Palm oil 10%
Cocoa butter 3%
Macadamia oil 2%
Butter 2%
Coconut oil 2%
I already use wheat germ oil in my Deep Conditioner and I also use Safflower Oil in my Apricot Mango  and Grape Seed Oil in my Shea Avodcado Butters that I use to seal my hair weekly.  I will say my hair does have more shine when I Deep Condition and I so notice my hair does tend to be smooth. Some have complained of ceramide build-up, this is something I don't experience and I always shampoo. 

Do you use ceramides? Will you start using ceramides?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

Selasa, 20 September 2011

0 Winter Hair Care and Protective Styling

A little chill has hit the air and many naturals are already revamping their hair regimens and trying to figure out what to do with their natural hair this winter. It's no secret that the winter months can be harsh on kinky hair so, figuring out your options and what precautions should you take this winter will ensure your natural hair won't suffer a setback.

Here are some tips (ya'll know I love a list) on how to maintain a healthy hair regimen in the winter months:

  1. Sealing: This is number 1 on my list and the most important precaution to me. Sealing in the moisture is so important in the Winter when the winds can strip away every ounce of moisture you thought you had. This is the time to use heavy oils and butters such as, shea butter, mango butter, olive oil, and jojoba oil. These oils can feel a bit heavy in the summer months but, are perfect for the colder weather. Moisturize your hair with a dependable leave-in conditioner and seal thoroughly with an oil or butter. 
  2. Protective Styling: I'm not a big fan of protective styles (mainly b/c I am style challenged) but, keeping your ends tucked and away from the winds, helps them retain moisture. While some naturals can wear their out with no problems, many can not so pay attention to your hair and style accordingly. Buns, wigs, twists, and updos are great hairstyles for the Winter months. 
  3. Humectants: It's best to use glycerin, honey, and other humectants sparingly during the winter. With the air being dry their is no water for the humectants to attract with can leave you with dry, brittle hair. So, if you have products in your rotations that are high in humectants you might want to save these products for the summer months.

These are the only things I keep in mind during the winter. I usually co-wash and wear buns or I might try a set of twists but, since I live in the South (SC) our winters are very short so I don't have to deal with the cold air long.

The best advice I can give is to listen to your hair, make sure you're moisturizing often and sealing in the moisture well. If you're used moisturizing your hair once a week (like me) then you may have to up it to 2-3 times a week and that's okay. 

Baby your hair and keep it protected from the dry air and harsh winds. 

Oh and if you have a TWA, since most of you probably can't protective style, try co-washing. This way your putting moisture to your curls everyday and as much as possible to help your hair handle to dry air. 

Hope this helps!

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products

Kamis, 15 September 2011

0 Shin Se Kyung & others attend Gucci 2011-2012’ fashion show

On September 8th, a bevy of A-list stars lined up at the Sheraton Walker Hill Hotel in Kwangjang-dong, Seoul to walk across the Vista Hall photo wall for the GUCCI 2011-2012 collection show.

Attending stars included Shin Se Kyung, Victoria and Sulli, Yoon Mirae, Kim Hee Ae, Go Jun Hee, Han Chae Young, Lee Yeon Hee, Lee Jin Wook, Park Tae Hwan, and Go Soo.

Although most stars came dressed in stylish all-black outfits, some like Han Chae Young and Yoon Mirae chose to stand out with bright colors like red and orange.

0 Kim Ha Neul attended Lacoste NY Collection

Korean Actress and model Kim Ha Neul touched down in New York on the early morning of September 8th in order to attend the Lacoste NY Collection

Although Kim Ha Neul’s fashion sense from a quick glance may radiate simple, her choice of clothing is actually quite stunning.

The actress decided to sport a fashionable denim tunic with a pair of beige gladiator sandals. Underneath the tunic hides a grey tanktop dress which brings the overall outfit together, and adds emphasis on her slender legs.

Kim Ha Neul can be seen whipping out her stylish Louie Vuitton wallet, and camel-colored slouchy hobo bag which match with her sandals.

Rabu, 14 September 2011

0 Tips For Starting Your Own Natural Product Business

I get lots of questions about how I started my own business selling natural hair & skin products and what to do to get started. I'm always honest and upfront about what it's like to own your own business and what I've learned. So, I decided to put it all in one post. Hope this helps you all!

Owning your own natural hair & skin product business:

1. Research-  You can never do too much research. You may think you already know what it takes but, internet marketing is a very tricky and complicated ball field. Research web design tips, internet marketing, SEO, branding, logo design, networking, social media, and how to sell. Start with your local library, blogs and YouTube, most of this information can be learned for free or for a low cost. Learning these things is most important before you even think about opening a store and what products you're going to sell.

2. Target Market- Your target market is your ideal customer. You need to know exactly who you'll be marketing to. What that person looks like, wears, eats, shops, salary, hair styles, all of it. Write all this down and it will help you choose your website colors, prices,retail stores, etc. 

3. Integrity- Please don't start a business just to make money. The natural hair product industry is growing and there is a lot of money to be made but, if you're not in business to help, customers will notice. Be truthful and always communicate with your customers. Let them know if their order will be delayed, something is out of stock, etc. 

4. Pricing- Make sure your prices are compatible with other products in your market or niche. If you are using an exotic, rare ingredient than you'll be able to charge a bit more and compete at a higher price point. Just make sure your prices don't leave customers feeling like  they just got bamboozled and wondering "Was that really worth it?"

5. Costs- For me, I started with a set amount of money and a lot of my marketing I've had to do myself. I've learned so much just by doing a lot on my own. If you can afford to pay for designers and consultants by all means, do it because, it takes A LOT of time to learn it all. But, don't just hand over checks, ask them questions, find out how they're doing what they do. Make sure you can survive without them. 

6. Humility- Above all be humble. Remember your customers, treat them like you want them to shop with you. Thank You notes are nice, emails, and samples all are great ways to say "Thanks for shopping with us!". Be personable and try to answer questions and really let your customers know if they need you, you'll be there.

7. Say NO!- You will get ALOT of people wanting FREE products with the promise of a review or something. It's okay to say "No!". You can't giveaway all your products and shipping is expensive. Make sure you have clear guidelines for what you expect from reviewers and be stingy. Don't just look at their following, look at how they review products, do they do tutorials? Are they honest? Do they even use products similar to yours? How often do they do reviews? Are they likely to make your product a staple if they like it?  Remember you want reviews to produce sales, if they don't look like they can produce more exposure for your business, which ultimately turns into sales, then it's okay to politely tell them "Not at this time."

So these are what I've learned in the 9 months I've been in business. I've had hundreds of sales and with each sale I think I learn something new; a new way to package, label, speedup processing... something. I try to always ask questions to other business owners and I try to keep an open mind and take their advice. Not everyone is competition. I am always willing to support other businesses and network because, the best sales pitch is one that comes from a friend who genuinely believes in you. 

I am still learning and I definitely don't know much but, what I do know, I am glad to share. 

Do you have a business? What have you learned? As a customer, what do you want from a business?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products

Senin, 12 September 2011

0 Results From The DIY Deep Condtioner & A Length Check

Here is my hair on Saturday night after doing the DIY Deep Conditioner on Thursday night, check the shine and definition:

 Working on some soap orders:

As promised, here is a length check:

Hope you try the Deep Conditioner recipe, if you do, let me know how it works out!! 

Also, someone asked in the comments about where to get Hydrolized Wheat Protein: Here is a site I found called: Making Cosmetics

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit :DIY Hair Care Products

0 Shinee completed their solo concert in Singapore

On the evening of September 10th, SHINee successfully completed their ‘SHINee the 1st Concert in Singapore — SHINee World“‘ at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, the nation’s largest indoor arena.

This was the boys’ very first solo concert in the country and SHINee fans were over the moon at finally getting to see their favorite idols.

SM Entertainment opened ticket reservations on July 31st, and within 45 minutes, all tickets were said to have completely sold out on SISTIC, an online ticket-selling site. Additionally, thousands of fans were said to have waited in long lines overnight in hopes of purchasing tickets at the box offices.

The boys performed a total of 30 songs, including their tracks, “Juliette“, “Hello“, and “Ring Ding Dong“.

At this time, SHINEE is extremely busy promoting “JULIETTE” in Japan. They’re also slated to release their third Japanese single, “Lucifer“, on October 12th. The boys will have hold concerts in Japan on October 27th in Nagoya and on November 24th and 25th in Osaka.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

0 SNSD’s Sooyoung gets injured in a car accident

It’s been reported that SNSD‘s Sooyoung was involved in a car accident, but fortunately, she did not receive any serious injuries.

On August 29th, SM Entertainment released a statement that said, “Sooyoung is suffering from a sacrovertebral fracture from the car accident, but thankfully, the injury is nothing serious.”

They continued, “The doctor in charge gave a positive prognosis and said that with plenty of rest and treatment, she will be fully recovered in no time. Sooyoung will be unable to participate in upcoming planned schedules.”

The injury from her car accident means that Sooyoung will not be able to perform at the “SM TOWN LIVE in Tokyo” or at SNSD’s live concert in Taiwan.

According to SM Entertainment, Sooyoung was traveling from Seoul to Chunan at 9 AM on August 28th for her next schedule, when the car on the opposite lane had carelessly crashed into Sooyoung’s car.

SM added, “Sooyoung was on her way to complete her volunteer services for the visually impaired when the accident occurred. The car in the opposite lane crossed the center line and consequently crashed into Sooyoung’s vehicle.”

Sooyoung is currently receiving treatment at a hospital and is recuperating from the accident.

Jumat, 09 September 2011

0 DIY Deep Conditioner Recipe With Ayurvedic Herbs

First, before you decide to make your own all natural deep treatment you have to know the different properties and benefits of the ingredients. For deep conditioners and conditioners in general, you want to use ingredients that will penetrate the hair. 

It's best to start with a real actual conditioner as a base as conditioners are formulated with certain ingredients that bind to the hair.  Starting with a great conditioner base helps make your deep conditioner....condition! 

Here are the ingredients in Aloe & Chamomile Detangling Conditioner I used: 

Aloe barbadensis (Organic Aloe) Juice, Lavendula angustifolia (Organic Lavender) Distillate, Anthemis nobilis (Organic Roman Chamomile) Distillate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ricinus communis (Castor Seed) Oil, Stearalkonium Chloride, Phenoxyethanol, Hydrolized Wheat, d-Calcium Pantothenate (Panthenol Vitamin B5), Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Rosa mosqueta (Rosehip) Seed Oil, Salix nigra (Organic Black Willow Bark) Extract

Aloe Juice: Moisturizer that is just a great as water. If your conditioner does not have either water or aloe juice as the first ingredient it just might not be moisturizing and may be more of a hot oil treatment. 

Vegetable Glycerin: This is a humectant that draws water from the air and sucks it into the hair shaft. 

Panthenol B5: Is a humectantemollient and moisturizer. It binds to the hair shaft readily and is a frequent component of shampoos and hair conditioners (in concentrations of 0.1-1%). It coats the hair and seals its surface, lubricating the hair shaft and making strands appear shiny

Hydrolized Wheatnourishes and smoothes skin & hair (improves skin feeling & softness), moisture retainer (protects skin & hair from drying out), decreases number and depth of wrinkles, volumizing effects.

These are just a few ingredients and their benefits in this awesome conditioner.

Now that we have a nice yet simple conditioner, that provides a bit of "slip" (great for detangling) we can look into some additions based on the problems we may have or want to prevent with our hair. 

Neem Powder: Cleansing (great if you have scalp issues or even dry scalp)

Amla Powder: Conditioning and a astringent

Fenugreek Powder: Conditioning, great for hair loss and promotes shine

Molasses: Contains sulphur which is one of the key building blocks for healthy hair growth

Honey: Adds shine and is an humectant

Wheat Germ Oil: Decreases thinning and helps the scalp utilize oxygen, also conditions & softens hair

Brahmi Oil: Promotes growth and helps with dandruff

*Hibiscus: Conditioning (I didn't add it this time but, I plan to add it for my next DC)


Yields 4 oz. of Deep Conditioner
3.5 oz. conditioner (I used Aloe & Chamomile Detangling Conditioner)
1/4 tspn. Honey
1/4 tspn. Molasses
1/4 tspn. Wheatgerm Oil
1/8 tspn. Fenugreek Powder
1/8 tspn. Amla
1/8 tspn. Neem Leaf Powder (doesn't have the stinky smell that the oil has)
1/8 tspn. Brahmi Oil
*Optional 5 drops of Peppermint Oil

Mix the oils with the conditioner first and then mix in the powders. Although this may seem like a small amount of powders it is definitely enough. 

This is how my mix looks when mixed thoroughly. As you can see there is plenty of powder throughout the mix. Note: This conditioner started off white!

  • I set my mix aside for a few hours (I got kind of busy) and let it "marinate" a bit. I noticed the herbally smell did increase a bit. the overall smell seems like it would be easy to cover, nothing too heavy or annoying.
  • The consistency was really nice. It was easy to spread, not too thick or too thin. 
  • I applied the mix to freshly washed hair that was dried 75% using an old t-shirt. 
  • I left the mixture on for about 2 hours and then rinsed. This DC rinsed out easily for me, way easier than the other Fenugreek mixture I made. 
My hair feels soft, shiny and healthier. I did notice the Fenugreek weighed my hair down a bit after I rinsed, the same way it did the last time. 

I ave about 1 oz. left and I will be making more. I love this Deep Conditioner!  

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products

Rabu, 07 September 2011

0 Should Natural Hair Products Be a Luxury or a Necessity?

Naptural85 on YouTube posted a really cute video about her views on natural hair products. Her views were along the lines of (and please watch her video) natural hair products should be a luxury and not something you depend on. She wasn't talking about "natural products" but, more so natural store bought products and product lines. I totally agree with her!

I think that while it's great to have products you love, it's also great to know how to make and mix your own products. Some people use products and have no idea why that product works for their hair. This is not great because if that company goes out of business or changes their prices, you'll be looking crazy trying to find another "go to" product. I have seen this a few times on different forums. A company will change their formula or prices and customers will be upset because that line of products was a staple

Nothing wrong with having staples (I have mine) but, have backups and learn how to get the same results with homemade products. I know how to get a nice twist out with the bare minimum because, I have learned that it's more about technique than it is products. 

Say what?

I think getting the perfect hairstyle is about 85% technique and 15% products. If you only have water, castor oil and shea butter, you can still get nice hair if you know how to properly layer your products and what moisturizers are etc. For example, you would spritz with water first, add the castor oil and then seal with the shea butter. Don't believe me? Try it and see how your hair comes out! 

As I always say, Keep It Simple! To me, no product is worth $15 plus dollars especially, if it is just juices and berries! I can make that myself!! Products should cost me less to buy than to make on my own and buy all the ingredients separate. I should feel like I'm getting a deal not like I'm getting bamboozled. 

My advice is, set a product budget and stick to it and if you see something you want that costs more than your budget than make it yourself! Shea butter and aloe vera gel make a nice custard that might rival some top brands...try it!

Do you make any of the products you use? Do you depend on one product line? What would you do if your staple line went out of business?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products 

0 Natural Herbs That Help Provide Healthier Hair

There are lots of herbs you can add to your homemade mixes to help provide stronger, healthier hair! For many of us we don't just have natural hair but, we like choosing natural products as well and if we can make these products ourselves that's even better! So, let's talk about some inexpensive herbs we can add to our regimens to help us grow and maintain longer stronger, natural hair.

  • Is said to strengthen hair from root to tip
  • Prevent breakage
  • Prevent split ends
  • Seal the hair cuticle
  • Relieve itchy scalps
  • Strengthen hair
  • Encourage growth (I assume similar to peppermint oil)
  • Help prevent hair loss
Green Tea
  • Strengthen hair
  • Relieve dandruff
  • Help with thinning hair
  • Stimulate growth
Amla Powder
  • Conditions the hair
  • Helps strengthen damaged hair (temporarily, remember once damage is done it can't be reversed)
  • Adds shine
  • Help with hair loss
  • Adds shine & gloss
  • Helps fight dandruff
  • Stimulates hair growth
These are only a few of the natural herbs you can use on your hair and add to your products to "kick them up a notch". 

I think adding a few of these herbs to your deep conditioners and shampoos is a great start! I already use fenugreek & hibiscus and love them! 

Next we will cover rosemary, fenugreek, henna, and more!

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products

*All information about these herbs was found online through a google search, Please do your own research before buying and using these herbs. Be careful and watch for any irritation and consult your physician if you have any health issues. 

Senin, 05 September 2011

0 Sunye and Yubin pose for W Korea


W Korea is quick to jump on the masculine trend this season. Featuring Sunye and Yubin of Wonder Girls in their September issue, the ladies were wearing both feminine and masculine garments from Alexander Wang, Bell & Nouveau, Cartier, Givenchy, Jain Song, Dolce & Gabbana, Rick Owens and more.

Donning red and blonde wigs, they were photographed by Kim Young Jun. Check out the stunning editorial entitled, Two Girls as well as the behind-the-scenes video.

Kamis, 01 September 2011

0 It's a Bath & Body SALE!!!!

DIY Hair Care Products is having a SALE!!! Check it out: Bath and Body Sale!

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products 

0 September Issue of Natural Bloom is out!!!

Check it out: Natural Bloom Magazine

This natural hair magazine is one of THE best reads!!! 

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products 

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