Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

0 Do You Have to Use Shampoo?

 If you've been researching natural hair care for any amount of time, you have seen some information on "no-poo" or the no shampoo method. Though it sounds intriguing, it's obvious that this method of hair care isn't for everyone (like me).

When I first went natural with my hair and my haircare products, I discovered the "no-poo" method. This method of hair care is where you forgo commercial shampoos. Some still do use products to clean their hair and some women actually do without shampoos and hair cleaning agents altogether.

For me, I need shampoo. Not necassarily, commercial shampoos but, I need to wash may hair and scalp with some type of cleaning agent. I did learn that I didn't need to shampoo everyday but, I can't go longer than a week.

If you would like to shampoo your hair less here are some tips that may help.

  • Cowashing- If you find that your hair is oily or your scalp is dry and itchy, try co-washing. Co-washing is simply washing the hair with conditioner (usually something inexpensive like Suave or even WhiteRain). This allows you to hydrate your scalp and rinse some oils and dirt off of your hair. The amount of times you need to co-wash a week depends on your hair needs. Co-washing 3 to 4 times a week is a great start, just increase or decrease from there.
  • Spritzing- Make a simple hair spritz. This spritz can be as simple as water and tea tree oil (rose oil is great too) or your can use a store bought spray leave-in conditioner. Just spritz your scalp throughout the week, when your scalp looks dry or gets itchy.  I try do this every other day. Make sure, whatever you use doesn't have heavy oils that could cause build up, you want it to be a light spray that your scalp can absorb. (this may also be a great alternative to greasing the scalp)
  • Rinsing- You can also simply rinse your hair under the shower each time you bathe to hydrate your scalp and strands. Be sure to massage your scalp with the beds of your fingers to loosen any dirt for a gentle cleaning.
Although, I don't believe that water alone can thoroughly clean my hair and scalp, it will help remove some of the buildup and hydrate a dry scalp, which may help relieve itching. Most commercial shampoos are a bit too harsh for everyday use (again this depends on your hair) so if you're experiencing dry, dull hair co-washing may be the answer or maybe on of the other options above.

About the Author

I'm Dilipkumar, the founder of Wordpresstoblogger.info. This blogger Template was made by me, if you like it Subscribe to Our Feed and Follow Me on Twitter Wptoblogger

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