Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

0 Small business rant

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I'm learning that it is better to take years and truly learn your craft then to dive in a only half know what you're doing.

I was reading a thread over on a haircare forum and the posters were really outing a lot of small business, WAHM companies for not being knowledgeable about their craft. I was embarrassed for the companies!

Since I have been researching a lot myself and looking up ingredients and beneficial oils and whatnot, I have learned a lot. I too have noticed how a lot of small businesses may not truly be educated about what they sell.

  • Soap making- I keep reading some companies say you need to preserve bar soap! This is soap making 101, you don't need to preserve bar soap, liquid soap maybe but not bar soap! How can I have confidence buying from you if you don't even know the basics?
  • Natural Hair- I instantly get turned off by people marketing shea butter, jojoba oil, and the like as moisturizers. This again is haircare 101 knowledge. Very few oils penetrate the hair shaft and, most other oils are sealants. A quick google search will lead you to this knowledge.

I hope small businesses step their game up and start putting their best foot forward because as customers get informed, we are going to start reading the fine print. When you are selling products and marketing them as "high end" you need to have "high end" knowledge to back that up.

We all like making money but, we have to be fair, honest and trustworthy. Know your stuff so you won't be embarrassed later on...

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