I can't count how many times I have heard this in regards to natural haircare (natural products, not "natural" hair), health, food, etc. People always have an excuse why they can't do something that they know they need to do. Always. (including me)
You know what I have learned? There is always a way. Always!
I'll take it section by section.
Natural Haircare:
If you buy from WAHMs the prices for conditioners, leave-ins and styling cremes can range from $8-20. For me, I make a budget and stay in it, I don't look at things outside of my budget. For example, I have set in my mind that I am not going to pay more than $8 for a conditioner. I don't care how great it is or what plant's super powers are in it, I am not buying it. All of the products I use on my hair are natural and none are expensive.
Making things yourself also saves you lots of money. Check your health food stores out and see what they have, also check vitamin stores for oils, teas and extracts.
Remember you don't NEED everything, keep it simple. You need to clean, moisturize and seal your hair, that's it. Shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, and sealant.
Skincare:This has a lot to do with what you put INTO your body. Want better looking skin? Drink more water. A lot of skin problems come from a backed up colon and not properly flushing out toxins. You can't eat junk all day and expect to have glowing skin. Nothing wrong with make-up but, some sunlight and water can help get rid of dark spots and prevent wrinkles.
I am not a fan of a lot of make-up. I like eyeshadow and lip gloss but, I don't like foundation, blush, concealer and all that. To me, make-up is suppose to accentuate not
make your features...but that's me.
I am on the outside looking though because I have never had skin problems and when my skin does look "blah" it's because I need to drink more water and get more rest.
Skincare is the same as haircare; clean it, moisturize it and seal in the moisture. If you're taking care of your skin, you won't need 50-11 different lotions and pomades...you could wash your face and go.
Healthy eating:
I don't go overboard with this, at all. Some people make eating a burden and I believe food is meant to be enjoyed. I don't count calories and eat only nuts. Nope, I enjoy cake, cookies, chips, sugar, flour, rice, pasta, ALL THAT delicious stuff. What I don't eat is; pork, seafood outside of fish (fins and scales, anyone?), grocery store milk (hormones and mad cow disease anyone?) and a few other things.
A lot of things are great in moderation and cooking food from scratch is one the key factors to staying healthy.
You also have to stay active, get out and exercise, drink water and get sunlight!
Just balance it out, you have to eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber (things that make you poop). Get what's withn your budget, if you can't get veggies from Whole Foods, try the fresh market or Wal-Mart,
something is better than nothing.
So don't stress yourself out trying to buy ALL organic and "healthy", do what you can and make sure you're eating a balanced diet.
Also, Fast Food is the devils spawn...seriously. That stuff will have you fat as a cow and the withdrawals from it are like crack.
Well that's all for now. I plan to do a post about birth soon and wrap up some reviews...