Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

0 Is being a product junkie a bad thing?

Personally, I am not a product junkie but, there sure are a lot of women who are! Some people believe (natural hair ladies) that being a product junkie is a bad thing, some believe it's excessive, some even preach against it and have groups to help people who struggle with it!

So what is a product junkie? The definition depends on who you ask. I'll give you both definitions and my views on each. 

1. Product Junkie- A person who just loves to buy hair products. They don't care how much it costs, they just love trying out new products. Also, known as a shopaholic. These natural hair ladies will buy their staple products in liter sizes during sales and always stay abreast about new companies and products.

2. Product Junkie- Someone who is looking for a miracle product. You will usually find them somewhere complaining that a product didn't make their curls pop like they thought it would or that a product didn't help with shrinkage or some such thing. Nothing wrong with having these issues but, some women think products will transform 4 type hair into 3 type hair (or the other way around depending on what you're looking for in a product).

A natural who falls into category #2 is definitely not on the right path and these naturals usually give product junkies a bad rep.. Truth is, there is no "miracle" product. Most natural products (in my experience) work just about the same due to them having just about all the same ingredients. You can make just about any natural product work for your hair (again in my opinion) either by mixing it with another product or switching up how you use it (wet versus dry hair, etc.).

If you are finding yourself buying out your local Target and WholeFoods in search of "the perfect product" and are running your wallet dry in the process, stop. Drop the conditioner. Use up the products you have already.Trust me, having natural hair doesn't have to be expensive and keeping your hair on your head had less to do with products and more to do with technique. Having knowledge about how ingredients work will not only save you money but, also make your regimen simpler.

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