Senin, 07 Maret 2011

0 Could finger detangling natural hair help with breakage and splits? Hmmm?

 With all of the "new" knowledge surrounding natural hair, it may be easy to forget the basics. One of those basics is finger detangling. One of the biggest hurdles when having curly hair is how to detangle? I think it may be time for me to revisit finger detangling.

Recently, I have been reading reviews on the Tangle Teezer {pictured right} and while some love it, there are a few who hate it and decided to go back to finger combing or finger detangling. I thought;  finger combing, do people still do that? Then, I thought well if we all finger combed we wouldn't be trying to find a magic brush or comb to get rid of tangles. I know I stopped finger combing long ago when I realized I was getting matted roots and dreadlocks but, I may not have been doing it right so I'm willing to try again. I may be getting splits from my Denman which I love but, I'm willing to try something different.

Another benefit to finger combing is you don't have to worry about combs or brushes ripping your hair out. You can be as gentle as needed with tangles to ensure less breakage and prevent splits. Breakage and split ends are 2 of the biggest complaints when it comes to natural hair. I can't think of how finger combing would cause splits or major breakage. This may also be the answer to single strand knots.

Here is a great video by Curly Chronicles on Finger Detangling <---click link for video :)

So all of this lead me to think maybe some of us are doing too much. I get that we want healthy hair and most of want long healthy hair but, is it really so complicated?

I may try simplifying my regimen some more and getting rid of some methods to see if they help with shedding and breakage. I plan to continue to wash just once a week, co-wash if desired and finger comb to detangle.

Hope this post made sense! I am in the midst of taking twists out...ugh! I am going to be updating you all with pictures and a length check soon.

Thanks for reading!

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