Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

0 I'm all late with this topic but Afroveda!!!

So, there has been much ado about Afroveda raising their prices... Click Here and here and here for some opinions on the situation.

Now, for those of you who have never heard of Afroveda, it is a WAHM owned business that makes natural haircare products, website here.

What has everyone in such a huff? The fact that they raised their prices not a few cents or even dollars but, 100% increases! Yes. Products that were in the tens of dollars are now $30 plus.The reason the company stated they had to increase the prices was because of the increase in the cost of the raw materials they were using.

My thoughts?

Dang!!! 100% increase? And no warning? I don't care about the "why" she did it, I just can't believe she did it. I don't care to question her business, it's just that as a business owner you should have all your ducks in a row BEFORE you put your product on the market. Now, I know we all make mistakes (I did as a WAHM) but, after you start gaining a loyal customer base, that has been buying your products for years, that is not the time to raise your prices 100%. Seriously?

I have never bought Afroveda products and never will because this type of business move is just bad business in my opinion. I understand a company can do what they want but, a customer (or future customer) can too.

That was a bold move to raise their prices 100% on some products when they have such a huge customer base. Whoever advised that plan needs to be fired. The motives behind raising the prices seems shady and at this moment the best move seems to be to just close their doors all together. If they couldn't afford the materials they were using when they charged $12 then they definitely won't be able to afford them now with so many people pledging never to buy her products again.

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