Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

0 Relaxer Kit Jokes- Funny or Not? Not.

Saw this picture on Facebook: 

I saw it with the caption "I just laughed soooo hard!" Lots of others were also laughing and cackling. Me? I didn't find it funny and let me tell you why.

First, it's corny. I love jokes. I love to laugh but, I hate cornballs.This reminds of when old people tell jokes and have to say "Get it?!" at the end. No. D-Nile? 95% more toxins? Yes, just like that burger you just ate from Mc Donalds, so be quiet. 

Second, how can people sit and rattle off how harmful and unhealthy relaxers are all proud and mighty when they may ingest all manner off unhealthy food and medicine? In other words, be more concerned with what you put IN your body directly than something you are putting on DEAD cells (yes hair is dead) and that if done correctly shouldn't even touch your skin. 

Third, and most important, learn acceptance. Learn to accept others. How someone wears their hair IS a personal choice. Everyone isn't going to make the same choices we make in life and that's OKAY, as long as they aren't harming themselves or others (and yes relaxers, if done correctly, are hardly harmful). Would you like it if someone made fun of your curly, kinky natural hair? Of course not, so why is it okay to make fun of others? It's not. 

If you wouldn't want someone to make a product with "Black N Nappy", "Brillo Pad", "Ultra Black" or whatever then don't do it to other people. That's it. That's all. Simple as that. 

Now, whoever did this has too much time on their hands and needs to find a hobby. Stat. Photobucket

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