Jumat, 23 September 2011

0 Ceramides: What Are They and How Can They Benefit Your Natural Hair?

I have been hearing ALOT of talk lately about ceramides. At first I thought, they were just abother "craze" or something and didn't pay the "talk" any attention but, after further research, ceramides are actually quite beneficial to our hair. I was also shocked when I found out that I had been using ceramides for years now!

Here are some excerpts from an article written on Associated Content By Audrey Sivasothy:

What are Ceramides?

"Ceramides are naturally occurring lipids (or fatty materials) found in the hair fiber or naturally in the skin. According to Butler and Poucher, ceramides molecules that "bind the cuticle cells to the cortex and Ceramides naturally exist within the hair fiber, sandwiched in a region between the cuticle and cortex called the cell membrane complex (CMC). Here along with the proteins in the CMC, they regulate the flow of materials in and out of the cortex. Because they essentially bind the cuticle cells to the cortical cells, ceramides help keep our hair from falling apart! Ceramides are also believed to play a role in the hair's transition from "live cells" within the follicle and beneath the skin's surface, to the dead, keratinized hair shafts that we see."

"Ceramides are needed as a part of any basic moisture and protein conditioning plan to restore the hair's health."

"Heat users will find that ceramide-rich products greatly improve the condition and appearance of heat-abused hair. Those who dabble in hair color will also find that their colors deposit more evenly when the hair has been conditioned with ceramide-rich products prior to the service. Ceramides have also been shown to protect the hair against ultraviolet radiation from outside sun exposure. While ceramides do offer a protective effect in these situations, exposure to heat, hair coloring, and the sun do reduce the hair's ceramide stores. Therefore regular conditioning is needed to replace reduced ceramide levels in the hair."

"Ceramides can help your hair hold on to its protein and moisture for longer periods of time so that the need for regular conditioning sessions is somewhat reduced, but they cannot replace moisture or protein in a regimen."

Here is a link to the references she links to at the bottom of the article: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2745257/ceramides_remedy_for_dry_damaged_hair_pg4.html?cat=69

Here are some oils that contain ceramides and at what percentage:

Safflower oil 78%
Grape seed oil 73%
Poppyseed oil 70%
Sunflower oil 68%
Hemp oil 60%
Corn oil 59%
Wheat germ oil 55%
Cottonseed oil 54%
Soybean oil 51%
Walnut oil 51%
Sesame oil 45%
Rice bran oil 39%
Pistachio oil 32.7%
Peanut oil 32% [17]
Canola oil 21%
Egg yolk 16%
Linseed oil 15%
Lard 10%
Olive oil 10%
Palm oil 10%
Cocoa butter 3%
Macadamia oil 2%
Butter 2%
Coconut oil 2%
I already use wheat germ oil in my Deep Conditioner and I also use Safflower Oil in my Apricot Mango  and Grape Seed Oil in my Shea Avodcado Butters that I use to seal my hair weekly.  I will say my hair does have more shine when I Deep Condition and I so notice my hair does tend to be smooth. Some have complained of ceramide build-up, this is something I don't experience and I always shampoo. 

Do you use ceramides? Will you start using ceramides?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

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I'm Dilipkumar, the founder of Wordpresstoblogger.info. This blogger Template was made by me, if you like it Subscribe to Our Feed and Follow Me on Twitter Wptoblogger

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