Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

0 Want Healthier Hair But, Not Quite Ready To Go Natural? You Have Options!

Okay so you want healthier hair but, don't know where to start. We've all been here and some of us choose to go natural while some might want to try something else. Well, what's something else? Can you have healthier hair without going natural? The answer is yes, if course you can!

One thing I feel strongly about (in regards to natural hair) is, not doing the Big Chop until you're ready. I feel that some women rush into the Big Chop (where you cut off all of your relaxed ends and are often left with a TWA- teeny weeny afro) and regret cutting their hair so short. Going natural and coping with having short hair is enough to have anyone thinking "What in the **** did I just do!?! Where is my perm?!".

Well here are some options! If in the end you decide to go natural, great! But, if you don't, that's fine too. The end goal no matter what you choose should be healthy hair.

Here is a list of some of your options for achieving healthy hair: 

  1. Stretching Relaxers- This is when you go longer than your usual time in between relaxing. For example, if you go 6-8 weeks, you would stretch that to 8-10 or 3-6 months. Some women even go 12 months before relaxing again. One benefit of stretching your relaxers is that it gives you more "new growth", which allows you to relax only the new growth and not over process your hair. Over processing is the cause of breakage for a lot of relaxed ladies. Check out KISS- Keep It Simple Sista's Blog for information on stretching relaxers.

  2. Weaves- Weaves? Yes, weaves! Weaves, when done properly, are a great way to grow out your hair. Getting weaves installed properly and by a professional "weaveologist" (that's what they're calling them these days...hmm) can help you maintain and grow long healthy hair. This can be expensive due to quality hair costing a pretty penny, from $50-200 a pack or per so many ounces...or whatever it's called. Check out this thread about "The Don'ts of Wearing Weave"

  3. Heat Training- Heat training natural hair is when you use heat (blow dryer, flat iron, or pressing comb) on a consistent basis. This often results in a loosening of the curl pattern and allows the hair to stay straighter longer. Usually, heat trained hair acts like relaxed hair because, it doesn't revert back to curly easily. It usually stays straight until wash day. This is a great option for those who want to stretch their relaxers or want to wear straight hair but, don't want to use chemicals to achieve the look. Heat training does take lots of care because, your hair can become damaged and break off from excessive use of heat, if not done properly. Check Out Brittanynic16 on YouTube. She explains how to heat train natural hair and shows her results. 

As with all things, there are rules and the above options have their do and don'ts and pro and cons. Make sure that while you partake in these hair care practices, you pay special attention to your hair to watch for breakage or excessive damage.

Hope this helps some of you who would like some other options besides going 100% natural. 

As always thanks for reading!

Have you tried any of the above methods of growing out your hair? Did you like them?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products

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I'm Dilipkumar, the founder of Wordpresstoblogger.info. This blogger Template was made by me, if you like it Subscribe to Our Feed and Follow Me on Twitter Wptoblogger

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  • heat training, natural hair, relaxers, weaves

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