Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

0 Natural Hair & Negativity

Recently, on Facebook there was some debacle where some racists individuals were posting obscene videos and such on some natural hair pages. There have been a few other things going on such as people receiving emails about their hair and such and all of this inspired this post. I want to share with you all how I deal with these things and life in general.

"Sometimes you have to be like a duck and let it roll off your back."

I know there are racists. I know there are people who hate curly, afro textures, kinky hair and would rather see me with a perm. I know that there are people who don't like my skin color. I know there are people who would rather see me dead. I live in South Carolina after all....

But, I choose to ignore these people. They don't make me and quite frankly they don't matter. People only matter as much as you let them. I think this is something we forget. When something occurs in the "black community" we often go on rants internet wide not realizing this fuels the problem at times.

I have never seen a racist person stop and say "Oh you know since those blacks are sticking together, I'm going to stop being racist.".

Sometimes all people want is to know that they have gotten under your skin. Sometimes, they just want the publicity.

"Kill them with kindness."

It's hard to just let certain comments roll off but, at times it's the best solution to save sanity. I enjoy my sleep at night and I'm not trying to lose sleep over someone that doesn't matter.

Ya'll just keep chugging and when you hear foolishness just brush it off. It takes work to brush off comments but, it's worth it.

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About the Author

I'm Dilipkumar, the founder of Wordpresstoblogger.info. This blogger Template was made by me, if you like it Subscribe to Our Feed and Follow Me on Twitter Wptoblogger

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