Selasa, 30 November 2010

0 WWYD? Daughter wants a relaxer...

Are you subscribed to African Export on Youtube? If not, why not? She is awesome!!

Okay so she had a video up asking "What would we do if our daughters wanted to relax their hair?"

My answer:

I wouldn't let her. I wouldn't let my daughter do anything to permanently alter any part of her body. I am not opposed to relaxers because I do feel everyone should do what works for them. Some people prefer straight hair and that's their prerogative but, under 18 is too young to make that decision. I don't want my daughter growing up thinking what she has is "less than" or not acceptable. Everything from her hair to her toes are just fine and perfect, she does't need to alter any of it.

I also don't want my daughter to concentrate on her outside appearance too much because that is not what makes you who you are. True enough, our appearance is important but, it isn't us.

I also worry about the chemicals in relaxers. It's something she would have to apply to her hair every 6 weeks at the least and we all know teens don't do long stretches between relaxers. To me, that is too often.

I would be heartbroken if her hair broke off or her scalp were damaged like many other women (myself included) from relaxers.

So that just about wraps up my opinion on the subject.

Thanks for reading! I would love to hear you feedback on this issue. :)

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