Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

0 Hair Growth- 5 Easy Steps To Start Seeing Hair Growth

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Ah! The age old question, how to get amazing hair growth?. Now it's common to hear (thankfully) women say "Black women can have long healthy hair!" but, the question is, how? With so many women touting this fact you would think everyone seeking longer hair would have it, right? Wrong. There is such a thing as too much information. As with all things we make things way harder then they need to be, hair growth is no different. This post is going to simply if all for you in 5 easy steps.

If you're not seeing hair growth, remember these 2 hair facts:

1. Your hair grows. If you are relatively healthy, have no under lying damage to your hair follicles (like Alopecia and/or baldness), your hair is growing. In fact, it is growing about 1/4 to 1 inch a month.

2. Growing your hair is not the problem. The problem is retaining what you've grown. If your hair has been stalling at the same length for months or years, your hair is breaking off. More specifically, it's breaking off at the same rate it is growing out. For example: If your hair is 5 inches long and grows and 1 inch a month but, breaks 1 inch a month (probably little 1/4 inch pieces at a time), your hair will stay 5 inches month after month.
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Now here is how to start seeing some hair growth; retaining length:

1. Trim off all damaged, scraggly ends. If you are confident in your own skills, you can trim your hair yourself but, going to a professional for this cut would ensure all the damaged weak hair is cut off. Even if you're 100% natural, if your ends are breaking, your ends are probably weak and a trim will get rid of split and weathered ends. It's easier to maintain healthy ends, weak ends will look thin and get weaker over time.

2. Establish a solid hair regimen. This can take up to a month or 2 to establish but, it's worth it. Find out how often you need to shampoo, condition and deep condition your hair. How long does your hair stay moisturized?  By the end of the month you should have a regimen that looks similar to this (fitting your hair needs of course, this is just an example):

Detangle 1x a week on damp hair.
Shampoo 1x a week
Alternate protein and moisturizing conditioner every other week.
Deep Condition 2x a month
Use spray leave-in, cream moisturizer and seal ends 2x a week.

3. Be consistent. Once you find out what works stick to the same regimen week after week. You can switch up products but, research them first and switch products only AFTER you've learned your hair. Learn what ingredients your hair likes and then venture out of your box.

4. Low manipulation. I have to say most women who are able to retain almost all of their length are very low manipulation. Most stick to twist outs, braid outs, protective styles, buns, etc. Remember the more you comb and pull your hair, the more damage you're doing to it. It's like wearing and washing the same clothes every week, over time they will get raggedy, same with your hair. When you're trying to grow out your hair, you want it to be as healthy as it can be to avoid unnecessary trims and breakage due to weak over manipulated ends (that's what breaks off).

After you've done all of is the last step:

5. Stop researching. What!? Yes, stop. Once you find what works for you, don't keep looking for new things to do with your hair. Concentrate on staying consistent. There is so much information online about hair care and arguments positive and negative for just about every hair technique you can think of, that you will never get a solid regimen and you will second guess everything you do. If it's not broke don't fix it or try to.

That's it! That's all! I promise you every woman I have come across who is trying to grow out their hair, comes to these same 5 conclusions. Try it and then let me know how much hair you grow 6-12 months. :)

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

0 How To Make An Ayurvedic Leave-In For Healthy Hair (Infusing Powders)

Ayurvedic powders have been used for centuries to help maintain healthy hair. When using these powders and/or herbs figuring out the best way to incorporate them into your regimen can be a challenge. Some make the herbs into a paste and use it as a deep conditioner, some add the herbs to shampoos or make them into teas and use them as a rinse. Today we're doing to make a spray leave-in conditioner infused with ayurvedic herbs!

I was reading (can't find it now, oddly enough) that when using herbs and powders on your hair, in order to get the full benefit, they need to left on the hair for long periods of time or used in leave-in conditioners; any other way and you're simply washing the benefits of the herbs down the drain.

 You can use oils such as coconut and olive or you can use water.Whatever you use, you want it to be something that will penetrate the hair shaft.

What you'll need:

  • A clean sauce pan
  • rubber band
  • coffee filter (you can use a heat seal-able tea bag)
  • herbs of choice (I used amla powder, fenugreek powder, brahmi, and horsetail)
  • water (preferably filtered)
  • preservative
  • empty bottle

Place a tablespoon of each herb into the coffee filter, make sure the herbs you are using have conditioning properties. Read these posts about the benefits of different ayurvedic herbs: Ayurvedic Hair Care and Deep Conditioner With Ayurvedic Herbs

Tie the coffee filter closed with a rubber band:

Boil 16 oz. of water in sauce pan. After the water get to a rolling boil, add your homemade tea bag:
Turn burner on low after adding tea bag. 1 hour later:
Turn burner off and let sit covered for 2-3 hrs. This is after 3 hours:
Pour into a bottle, add *preservative and spritz hair as often as needed. (the added fragrance made the leave-in a little cloudy)

*I used Optiphen at 1.75%. If you choose not to preserve your mixture, you will need to keep it refrigerated. This a tea and will grow mold if left out without being properly preserved.

You can use your herbal infusion in soap making, making creams and scalp balms.

Read these posts about the benefits of different Ayurvedic herbs: Ayurvedic Hair Care and Deep Conditioner With Ayurvedic Herbs.

Do you use Ayurvedic herbs in your hair regimen? How?

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

0 10 Natural Hair Don'ts from MadameNoire

1. Scratching!!!!
Hair Care Stylist PSA: PLEASE do not scratch your scalp! If you suffer from itchy scalp, first identify your problem. If your scalp is itching, the PH levels of it could be off balance. Pure peppermint oil is a great treatment for that. The causes of itchy scalp vary from lack of moisture on one hand, and over moisturizing on the other, both of which you can change. If you suffer from itchy scalp because of a medical condition, ie. psoriasis or eczema, you should consult your physician immediately.
4. No Shampoo/Co-Washing
Co-Washing, which is using conditioner only in your hair cleansing process, can be great to do while in between shampoos. It eliminates the need to comb your hair so often and leaves your hair soft and amazingly just the right texture. I definitely recommend it. BUT, with time, our hair accumulates dirt from outside and build-up from products. Too much dirt or build-up can lead to an offensive smell, breakage, and/or malassezia (a fungal-type dandruff that develops in the presence of lipids, oils, waxes, etc.).
4. No Shampoo/Co-Washing
Co-Washing, which is using conditioner only in your hair cleansing process, can be great to do while in between shampoos. It eliminates the need to comb your hair so often and leaves your hair soft and amazingly just the right texture. I definitely recommend it. BUT, with time, our hair accumulates dirt from outside and build-up from products. Too much dirt or build-up can lead to an offensive smell, breakage, and/or malassezia (a fungal-type dandruff that develops in the presence of lipids, oils, waxes, etc.).
These are the ones I agree with the most! The whole article is great so go over to Madame Noire and check out the rest of the article: 10 Natural Hair Habits You Should Stop Now

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit: DIY Hair Care Products

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

0 How To Two Strand Twist

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I know, I know some of you are probably like "Who doesn't know how to two strand twist!? That's easy!" Well, the answer is many of us. With many choosing two strand twists as their "go to" natural hair style, it's essential you learn how to do them properly.

Not doing two strand twists properly can result in, frizzy, matted/, tangled twists that may cause breakage once removed and the hair is properly detangled. Many women have experienced set backs due to trims caused by damaged ends or having to cut out loc-ed or matted hair.

Also, if you're thinking of doing two strand twists as a protective style you want the style to last for at least 2-3 weeks. If the twists are  not don't properly they will look frizzy and "old" within a few days.

Here is a great video by Naptural85 on YouTube explaining "How To Two Strand Twist" and "How To Get Your Twists To Last For Weeks"

This video is awesome and you can use the tips she gave for twisting for twists for a twist outs, and other hair styles.

Patience is key!

Thanks for reading! Enjoy the video!

For Your Body & Hair Butters Visit:DIY Hair Care Products

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